7.经常有可能对某个事物进行当前状态的判断,一般即做一字段(数值类型,默认值为0)通过对该字段值的修改达到状态切换的效果。那么,我又做了个函数,让自己轻松轻松。 [转自:711网络工作室 http://www.tc711.com]
<% Function pvouch(tablename,fildname,autoidname,indexid) dim fildvalue Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "Select * from "&tablename&" where "&autoidname&"="&indexid rs.Open sql,conn,2,3 fildvalue=rs(""&fildname&"") if fildvalue=0 then fildvalue=1 else fildvalue=0 end if rs(""&fildname&"")=fildvalue rs.update rs.close Set rs = Nothing End Function %>
参数说明: pvouch(tablename,fildname,autoidname,indexid) tablename 该事物所在数据库中的表名 fildname 该事物用以表明状态的字段名(字段类型是数值型) autoidname 在该表中的自动编号名 indexid 用以修改状态的对应自动编号的值 [转自:711网络工作室 http://www.tc711.com]
<% dowhat=request.QueryString("dowhat") p_id=cint(request.QueryString("p_id"))
if dowhat="tj" and p_id<>"" then call pvouch("cn_products","p_vouch","p_id",p_id) end if %>
<%if rs("p_vouch")=0 then%> <a href=showpro.asp?dowhat=tj&p_id=<%=rs("p_id")%>>推荐</a> <%else%> <a href=showpro.asp?dowhat=tj&p_id=<%=rs("p_id")%>>取消推荐</a> <%end if%>
8.为很多中小企业写站点,一般产品展示是个大项目,那么做成的页面也就不同。 要不就是横排来几个,要不就是竖排来几个,甚至全站要翻来覆去的搞个好几次,麻烦也很累。索性写个函数能缓解一下,于是就成了下面
<% function showpros(tablename,topnum,fildname,loopnum,typenum) Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "Select top "&topnum&" * from "&tablename rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof and rs.bof then response.Write("暂时无该记录") else response.Write("<table width='100%'>") for i=1 to rs.recordcount if (i mod loopnum=1) then response.write"<tr>" end if select case typenum case "1" response.Write("<td><table width='100%'><tr><td bgcolor=red width='50%'>") response.Write(rs(""&fildname&"")) response.Write("</td><td bgcolor=black>") response.Write("方式1之"&i&"记录")'此处的“方式1”可以替换显示为其余字段的值 response.Write("</td></tr>")'如果字段比较多,继续添加新个表格行来显示 response.Write("</table></td>") case "2" response.Write("<td><table width='100%'><tr><td bgcolor=red>") response.Write(rs(""&fildname&"")) response.Write("</td></tr>") response.Write("<tr><td bgcolor=black>") response.Write("方式2之"&i&"记录") response.Write("</td></tr>") response.Write("</table></td>") end select if (i mod loopnum=0) then response.write"</tr>" end if rs.movenext next response.Write("</table>") end if rs.close Set rs = Nothing end function %>
whichpro为选择何类型的产品种类 topnum表示提取多少条记录 fildname表示调试显示的字段,具体应用的时候可以省去该参数,在函数内部直接使用 loopnum表示显示的循环每行的记录条数 typenum表示循环显示的方法:目前分了两类,横向并列、纵向并列显示同一数据记录行的不同记录
<% if request.form("submit")<>"" then topnum=request.form("topnum") loopnum=request.form("loopnum") typenum=request.form("typenum") else topnum=8 loopnum=2 typenum=1 end if %> <%call showpros("cn_products",topnum,"p_name",loopnum,typenum)%> <form action=index.asp method=post> 显示的记录总数:<input name=topnum value=<%=topnum%>> 显示的行循环数:<input name=loopnum value=<%=loopnum%>> 显示的方式类型:<select name=typenum> <option value="1">方式1</option> <option value="2">方式2</option> </select> <input type=submit name=submit value=Sure> </form>
可以选择文件下载查看: [down=attachments/month_0411/vskz_function.rar]Download file[/down]
'//IP转换成数字,限制IP时用 '@使用示例 '// userIPnum = IP2Num(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) '// if userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then '// response.write ("<center>您的IP被禁止</center>") '// response.end' // end if
function IP2Num(sip) dim str1,str2,str3,str4 dim num IP2Num=0 if isnumeric(left(sip,2)) then str1=left(sip,instr(sip,".")-1) sip=mid(sip,instr(sip,".")+1) str2=left(sip,instr(sip,".")-1) sip=mid(sip,instr(sip,".")+1) str3=left(sip,instr(sip,".")-1) str4=mid(sip,instr(sip,".")+1) num=cint(str1)*256*256*256+cint(str2)*256*256+cint(str3)*256+cint(str4)-1 IP2Num = num end if end function
<% '作用:安全字符串检测函数 '名字:SafeCheck '参数:CheckString,CheckType,CheckLength '说明: 'Checkstring待检测字符串:任意字符. 'CheckType检测类型0正常短字符1数字2日期3金钱4编码HTML5解码HTML6登录字符串7防攻击检测 'CheckLength检测类型长度:类型为int,当为金钱时为小数点的位置 '返回值:如果通过检测,返回正确字符串, '如果未通过则返回错误代码SYSTEM_ERROR|ERROR_CODE 'Script Writen by :SnowDu(杜雪.NET) 'Web:http://www.snsites.com/ 'Web:http://www.knowsky.com/ '------------------------------------------- function SafeCheck(CheckString,CheckType,CheckLength) On Error Resume Next ErrorRoot="SYSTEM_ERROR|" if checkString="" then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00001" exit function end if
CheckString=Replace(CheckString,"'","'") select case CheckType case 0 CheckString=trim(CheckString) SafeCheck=Left(CheckString,CheckLength)
case 1 if not isnumberic(CheckString) then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00002" exit function else SafeCheck=Left(CheckString,CheckLength) end if
case 2 tempVar=IsDate(CheckString) if Not TempVar then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00003" exit function else select case CheckLength case 0 SafeCheck=FormatDateTime(CheckString,vbShortDate) case 1 SafeCheck=FormatDateTime(CheckString,vbLongDate) case 2 SafeCheck=CheckString end select end if
case 3 tempVar=FormatCurrency(CheckString,0) if Err then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00004" exit function else SafeCheck=FormatCurrency(CheckString,CheckLength) end if
case 4 sTemp = CheckString If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00005" Exit Function End If sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), """) sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(10), "<br>") SafeCheck = Left(sTemp,CheckLength)
case 5 sTemp = CheckString If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00006" Exit Function End If sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">") sTemp = Replace(sTemp, """, Chr(34)) sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<br>",Chr(10)) SafeCheck = Left(sTemp,CheckLength)
case 6 s_BadStr = "' &<>?%,;:()`~!@#$^*{}[]|+-=" & Chr(34) & Chr(9) & Chr(32) n = Len(s_BadStr) IsSafeStr = True For i = 1 To n If Instr(CheckString, Mid(s_BadStr, i, 1)) > 0 Then IsSafeStr = False End If Next if IsSafeStr then SafeCheck=left(CheckString,CheckLength) else SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00007" Exit Function end if
case 7 s_Filter="net user|xp_cmdshell|/add|select|count|asc|char|mid|'|""|" S_Filter=S_Filter&"insert|delete|drop|truncate|from|%|declare|-" S_Filters=split(S_Filter,"|") isFound=false for i=0 to ubound(S_Filters)-1 if Instr(lcase(CheckString),lcase(S_Filters(i)))<>0 then isFound=true exit for end if next if isFound then SafeCheck=ErrorRoot&"00008" Exit Function else SafeCheck=left(CheckString,CheckLength) end if end select end function %>
函数在下面,是方法是: strvalue("复请Email通知如果不填写则取注册Email",26) 这里26是指26个英文字母,也就是13个汉字
function strlen(str) dim p_len p_len=0 strlen=0 if trim(str)<>"" then p_len=len(trim(str)) for xx=1 to p_len if asc(mid(str,xx,1))<0 then strlen=int(strlen) + 2 else strlen=int(strlen) + 1 end if next end if end function
function strvalue(str,lennum) dim p_num dim i if strlen(str)<=lennum then strvalue=str else p_num=0 x=0 do while not p_num > lennum-2 x=x+1 if asc(mid(str,x,1))<0 then p_num=int(p_num) + 2 else p_num=int(p_num) + 1 end if strvalue=left(trim(str),x)&"…" loop end if end function
原数字格式:2000 格式化后:TWO THOUSAND ONLY 引用:<%=make("2000")%> 自定义函数:
<% function zr4(y)'准备数据 dim z(10) z(1)="ONE" z(2)="TWO" z(3)="THREE" z(4)="FOUR" z(5)="FIVE" z(6)="SIX" z(7)="SEVEN" z(8)="EIGHT" z(9)="NINE" zr4=z(MID(y,1,1)) end function
function zr3(y)'准备数据 dim z(10) z(1)="ONE" z(2)="TWO" z(3)="THREE" z(4)="FOUR" z(5)="FIVE" z(6)="SIX" z(7)="SEVEN" z(8)="EIGHT" z(9)="NINE" zr3=z(MID(y,3,1)) end function
function zr2(y)'准备数据 dim z(20) z(10)="TEN" z(11)="ELEVEN" z(12)="TWELVE" z(13)="THIRTEEN" z(14)="FOURTEEN" z(15)="FIFTEEN" z(16)="SIXTEEN" z(17)="SEVENTEEN" z(18)="EIGHTEEN" z(19)="NINETEEN" zr2=z(MID(y,2,2)) end function
function zr1(y)'准备数据 dim z(10) z(1)="TEN" z(2)="TWENTY" z(3)="THIRTY" z(4)="FORTY" z(5)="FIFTY" z(6)="SIXTY" z(7)="SEVENTY" z(8)="EIGHTY" z(9)="NINETY" zr1=z(MID(y,2,1)) end function
function dw(y)'准备数据 dim z(5) z(0)="" z(1)="THOUSAND" z(2)="MILLION" z(3)="BILLION" dw=z(y) end function
function w2(y)'用来制作2位数字转英文 if MID(y,2,1)="0" then'判断是否小于十 value=zr3(y) elseif MID(y,2,1)="1" then'判断是否在十到二十之间 value=zr2(y) elseif MID(y,3,1)="0" then'判断是否为大于二十小于一百的能被十整除的数(为了去掉尾空格) value=zr1(y) else value=zr1(y)+" "+zr3(y)'加上十位到个位的空格 end if w2=value end function
function w3(y)'用来制作3位数字转英文 if MID(y,1,1)="0" then'判断是否小于一百 value=w2(y) elseif MID(y,2,2)="00" then '判断是否能被一百整除 value=zr4(y)+" "+"HUNDRED" else value=zr4(y)+" "+"HUNDRED"+" "+"AND"+" "+w2(y)'不苷囊竺婕印癆ND” end if w3=value end function
function make(x) z=instr(1,x,".",1)'取小数点位置 if z<>0 then'判断有没有小数 lstr=mid(x,1,z-1)'取小数点左边的字串 rstr=mid(x,z+1,2)'取小数点右边的字串 else lstr=x'没有小数的情况 end if lstrev=StrReverse(lstr)'对左边的字串取反字串 dim a(5)'定义5个字串变量用来存放解析出的三位一组的字串 select case len(lstrev) mod 3'字串长度不能被整除,需补齐 case "1" lstrev=lstrev+"00" case "2" lstrev=lstrev+"0" end select lm=""'用来存放转换后的整数部分 for i=0 to len(lstrev)/3-1'计算有多少个三位 a(i)=StrReverse(mid(lstrev,3*i+1,3))'截取第1个三位 if a(i)<>"000" then '用来避免这种情况“1000000=ONE MILLION THOUSAND ONLY” if i<>0 then lm=w3(a(i))+" "+dw(i)+" "+lm'用来加上“THOUSAND OR MILLION OR BILLION” else lm=w3(a(i))'防止i=0时“lm=w3(a(i))+" "+dw(i)+" "+lm”多加两个尾空格 end if else lm=w3(a(i))+lm end if NEXT xs=""'用来存放转换后的小数部分 if z<>0 then xs="AND CENTS"+" "+w2("$"+rstr)+" "'小数部分存在时转换小数部分 end if make=lm+" "+xs+"ONLY"'最后结果,加上ONLY end function %>
文字格式:12345678 格式化数字:12,345,678 自定义函数:
<% Function Comma(str) If Not(IsNumeric(str)) Or str = 0 Then Result = 0 ElseIf Len(Fix(str)) < 4 Then Result = str Else Pos = Instr(1,str,".") If Pos > 0 Then Dec = Mid(str,Pos) End if Res = StrReverse(Fix(str)) LoopCount = 1 While LoopCount <= Len(Res) TempResult = TempResult + Mid(Res,LoopCount,3) LoopCount = LoopCount + 3 If LoopCount <= Len(Res) Then TempResult = TempResult + "," End If Wend Result = StrReverse(TempResult) + Dec End If Comma = Result End Function %>
<% aLongNumber = "12345678" response.wirte Comma(aLongNumber) %>
<% Function Generator(Length) dim i, tempS, v dim c(39) tempS = "" c(1) = "a": c(2) = "b": c(3) = "c": c(4) = "d": c(5) = "e": c(6) = "f": c(7) = "g" c(8) = "h": c(9) = "i": c(10) = "j": c(11) = "k": c(12) = "l": c(13) = "m": c(14) = "n" c(15) = "o": c(16) = "p": c(17) = "q": c(18) = "r": c(19) = "s": c(20) = "t": c(21) = "u" c(22) = "v": c(23) = "w": c(24) = "x": c(25) = "y": c(26) = "z": c(27) = "1": c(28) = "2" c(29) = "3": c(30) = "4": c(31) = "5": c(32) = "6": c(33) = "7": c(34) = "8": c(35) = "9" c(36) = "-": c(37) = "_": c(38) = "@": c(39) = "!" If isNumeric(Length) = False Then Response.Write "A numeric datatype was not submitted to this function." Exit Function End If For i = 1 to Length Randomize v = Int((39 * Rnd) + 1) tempS = tempS & c(v) Next Generator = tempS End Function For i = 1 to 20 Randomize x = Int((20 * Rnd) + 1) + 10 Response.Write Generator(x) & "<br>" & vbnewline Next %>
Function rowscode(str,n) If len(str)<=n/2 Then rowscode=str Else Dim TStr Dim l,t,c Dim i l=len(str) TStr="" t=0 for i=1 to l c=asc(mid(str,i,1)) If c<0 then c=c+65536 If c>255 then t=t+2 Else t=t+1 End If TStr=TStr&(mid(str,i,1)) If t>n Then TStr=TStr&"<br>" t=0 End if next rowscode= TStr End If End Function |