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 711网络 网页制作XML/XSLT


来源: 网页教学网    日期:2009-3-19






<div id="content">  
    <div class="column1">  
        <h2>a sleek design</h2>  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
    <div class="column2">  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
    <div class="column3">  
        <h2>recent work</h2>  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
        <p>This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial.  You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.</p>  
        <p>The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.</p>  
    <div style="clear:both"></div>  

看到底部的<div style="clear:both"></div>了吗?只用一个声明清理那三个列的空<div>,就解决了我们的问题。

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更多的以图例方式介绍CSS制作网页详细步骤请到论坛查看: http://BBS.TC711.COM

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